Without further ado, I present to you....some socka, socka, socka! Glen received a pair of warm house/sleeping socks to keep the toesies warm all night long. If only I could knit a muzzle for the snoring (did I really just share that thought with the world?). I used some stashed KnitPicks, Wool of the Andes, in Cape Cod. No, his feet are not normally in "first position." He did the "special" pose for the camera.
Next up, also out of the stash, one whole sock for Bren...yes, she has two feet, but I was held up by the fact that two of the same colorways with two of the SAME dye lot numbers ended up being very different colors. However, one call to KnitPicks, and shazam! They were on it! They sent me two other balls, free of charge, to try to match to the original finished sock. Luckily, one of the balls is pretty close, and should work out fine. I really like the KnitPicks, Felici, Pebble. Hmmm...looks like it's currently a goner and out of stock!
The great composers have not yet given me their thoughts on the sock, but I have assured them that since they lack legs (haven't told them about the arms yet), they will not be required to wear any sock(s) I may present for their inspection. Isn't that Brahms a hottie?